

Hi everybody, allmost 1 month has past without any update from my side, so let's change that today!

Count Dracula


Hey all, just a little update, I'm already in Bratislava, Slovakia but I havn't told you about my Romanian trip yet. Honza, my very dedicated driver, bodyguard and good friend, likes castles a lot, and since we where still without any clear directions on how things will be in the future, we had some time to kill. Therefore, on his...

Panem et circenses is the Latin translation for bread and games. It is a figure of speech, specifically referring to a superficial means of appeasement. On a political level, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction or by satisfying the most immediate or base...

Moving on


Hi readers, let's write something new here, because in 2 weeks a lot of things happened. Not only have I pimped my car with the most awesome Liberland and e-Gulden stickers, but I've also organised a blockchain & Liberland event in Slovenia's capital Ljubljana and on top enjoyed the beauties that Slovenia has to offer, or well, all accept one...

Hi all, last week I heard about a good friend that died in the Netherlands. The news got to me, I became quite emotional about it and couldn't really think about anything else. Last saturday it got to me, I should be at his funeral that was taking place on tuesday. Honza was up for it, so off we went,...

Hello everybody, I'm very excited to be writing this article for Liberland press. It's the first job I am able to accept in many years, because I'm not payed in debt money like is manatory in my country of birth, the Netherlands, but instead I'm promised to be rewarded in Liberland Merits for my work. Well, let's make something clear...

Hi everybody, big news yesterday in my life. Bitcoingroup Netherlands have temporarily silenced me in their group! This was after a responce I gave to a journalist of NRC Handelsblad who asked if there where any victims of Bitconnect ponzi, because his newspaper was going to publish an article about it. I gave him a rant about how he and...



Often, bitcoin is portrayed as nothing but a speculative vehicle. I personally see in Bitcoin the world's first decentralised scarcety model. Pricediscovery is going to reduce volatility in the long run, but we are currently building the world's new reserve currency, which means for the coming years everybody is more then invited to take part in...



Let me start this hot topic with saying that sexuality is something very personal and can never be done wrong, that is, as long as you don't use force when you express it to somebody else. The thing with sexuality is that I believe some of it develops even before birth, but that every experience in your life contributes to...

Ever wondered why you receive mail with capital letters only? It comes from the Roman age and is called Capitis Deminutio, which literally means, "decrease of head". You have different forms of it, going from maxima to media to minima. The greatest, maxima, involves the loss of liberty, citizenship and family and was used for slaves or prisoners...