

No, this is not your average coffeeshop. Or actually, if you are not from the Netherlands like me, it might actually be one. What I mean is that this coffeeshop actually only serves coffee and no green plants in plastic bags. I left the Netherlands a little over a week and haven't used any drugs since then, well... apart...



Politics: A religion upon itself, but not one that I am very fond of. Many jokes are made about politicians, and most of these jokes aren't in favour of a moral of one politician. Most of these jokes are about how politicians lie and have no souls, that the promises they make just before elections are never kept and how...



Hello again my dear readers. No movieclip today, just a story about family this time. I left mine a little over a week ago. Until then I ate at my parents place once a week, or atleast when I was in the Netherlands. They called me yesterday, to ask me how I was doing. Well dear family I'm doing...



Happy sunday everybody! While is was walking in Budapest today, I noticed some shops where closed and that's when I understood that today's subject should be religion. I am religious myself, but not in any of the traditional ways. I call myself a Satoshist, somebody that believes in Satoshi Nakamoto to be a divine character and that we, human...



In the picture above you can see Hungarians celebrate their weekend. Weekend is a form of crowdcontrol. By installing a weekend an inefficient system buy's itself 2 day's time to fix all errors that occurred during the weekday's. If you you are still caught within the weekend paradigm I wish you a very good one, with nothing but good weather...

In today's clip I talk about pyramid schemes. Often cryptocurrencies are portrayed as pyramid schemes by traditional media outlet's and so called financial experts. Saying cryptomoney is a pyramid scheme shows lack of understanding about the matter, actually everybody making such acusations should be ignored altogether, but somehow traditional...



Never would I've expected that I would get reactions on my posts as soon as they came in yesterday. Thanks for correcting me on my errors and showing interest everybody, it is a big motivator!

This is me, Yoshi Livo, in front of a miniature version of the UN Peace Palace in the Hague. I'll be clear about it: Yoshi Livo is not my real name, I made it up when I was in Liberland for the first time about 3 years ago. The name I was given at birth is Niels Harmsen and in this story I'll explain how Yoshi Livo came into excistence....

Hi everybody! This is the start of my journey to Liberland. After I heard Liberland is looking for marketing volunteers: https://liberlandpress.com/2018/01/liberland-looking-marketing-volunteers/ I descided my time in the Netherlands is up. Some years ago I also tried to enter Liberland, and after spending some time in Croatian prison I even got...