Remember, remember, to HONK in November!
On 03-03-2020 my stream HonklerHangout had it's first episode. I had bought some studio equipment because I thought it would be fun to talk about crypto on TWITCH, to have something to do. Little did I know that in under 2 weeks of the first episode the corona narrative was spread out over the planet and I was lucky enough to be able to speak my mind about the turn of events and showed everybody how I managed to buy Bitcoin well below 5000$ in the crash the financial markets experienced at the governments and media had their say. I'm really grateful to the community that has given me some kind of human interaction during times of lockdown and I want to thank everybody that has spend some time watching one of the many episodes, over 190 in the first your and close to 250 in total today.
In the past couple of weeks our little community has experienced some turbulent times as the HONKHONK SLP token is currently being burned and converted to HONK SEP20 token, or sHonk, smartHONK. The change to sep20 means the developers can harvest millions of line of code, already written in solidity. smartHONK is stored in a MetaMask wallet and runs on the network of sBCH, to connect your MetaMask wallet, go to the network settings in your wallet and make a custom RPC with the following settings:
- Network Name: SmartBCH
- New RPC URL: https;//smartbch.greyh.at
- Chain ID: 10000
- Currency Symbol: BCH
- Block Explorer URL: https://smartscan.cash
You can now start to receive sBCH in your wallet, to fund it with BCH you have to make use of the current only bridge I know of, at coinflex.com with use of the MetaMask option. Feel free to comment below with any other known bridge, but let this be the place for my disclaimer, I do not give financial advice, nor am I particularly savvy with tech, so don't count on me for support. You can find a interview from pokerplayer Doug Polk with the CEO of Coinflex on youtube and for the rest I can only point to you that you have to do your own research when it comes to crypto trading.
Sure, it's nice that before the start of a new era, HONK tokens where going for a fraction of last weeks introduction price of 0.1 satBCH per HONK, giving you 1B HONK for 1BCH and it is even better that in the first week of trading we have seen gains for HONK, to a level where the current rate is 212M HONK for 1BCH, that is almost a 500% gain, getting close to half a satoshi. I'm sure if the developers keep word and build HONK into the heaven of sportsbetting that HONK will leave that price of 1 satoshi for each HONK far behind, because 1 satoshi really only is 1 million dollar marketcap, we are talking about a 50.000 dollar project that boomed to a quarter million last week and if you compare that to the money printer go brrrrrrrr, I think you get my point.
That's not why I want you to get involved with this HONK token, though. I make my streams 20 miles out of Liberland. For me crypto is politics. The distraction that is currently needed to divert peoples attention away from the hyperinflation we are witnessing has reached peak clown and HONK token is a great way for people to vote with their wallet about the discontent of the clownsworld we are witnessing today. With El Salvador being the first country to hold BTC as a state reserve next to gold, I feel like crypto is ready to talk about the political implications of blockchain. If we want to avoid getting stuck into a system that discriminates, we need to start to adopt different habits. The kind of money we use is a big factor in how our power influences the world, imagine everybody in the world would want a HONK token, there would be like 10 or 20 only for each one of them, in a way we should be glad that the new smartHONK has 2 decimal numbers more then the previous SLP version.
Now let's be fair, I don't really think that HONK is for everybody, but let me tell you a secret, *whisper* *whisper* governments don't print HONK. There is this old and sleepy clown that believes HONK are being brought into circulation by making an embarrassment out of the people he represents, but 100B units (,00 HONK) is really the maximum number of HONK that will ever go round and at current prices, that is still 200:1 with SPICE, which is another signal for me that HONK should go up more, since there are 100:1 in circulation. This doesn't even take into account any amount that will go to the HONKTOSHI memory of unswapped coins that could spark another buzz for HONK in the future. The 1 satoshi price only seems like the beginning and no it's really not that I want you to participate in buying HONK with me to make a point, as you know I always tell people to put their money on e-Gulden EFL, the Dutch Bitcoin. This is just an invitation for the next special stream. The reason why I bring it up, is because it's happening now, on mistswap and I can't help to imagine sometimes what a difference it would make if the same attention would come to HONK as there is for DOGE. Not because 1 billionair put his companies government subsidies in it, but because thousands of people chose to voice their opinion in a voluntairy and non-violent way.
On November the 5th I will make a "Remember, Remember to HONK in November" special stream, with a couple of potential guests that I will not mention yet. There will be some other content for viewers to enjoy and as always we will raffle out more HONK! Did you know I gave away more then 1 Billion HONK in my shows?! And we will not stop that, although with a rising price I might adjust the amount of coins that I give away. You are all invited to join me when live on Twitch, or on one of the many channels there are to communicate, for example Telegram. So, tell you friends about great things happening and invite them to become a part of the HonklerHangout community, the more people that watch, the more HONK we can give away!
Vote with you wallet, buy HONK!