New Year Wish


This text was first published on X: @infoliberland on jan 2nd 2025

Happy new year dear readers!Don't worry, this year I won't bother you with my vision on how our notion of time disconnects us from our balance with nature. Since this is only my second article on X, I will continue my introduction and tell you exactly how I ended up in the situation of today and how I see my future from here on forward.Let's start with my biggest success of the year 2024, the purchase of the Liberland Opposition HQ. 18 months ago, I did not have any intention on buying a house. The opportunity presented itself when a friend of me had to sell his house to cover the medical bills related to the illness of his wife who told me a vaccine injury caused her illness. I started the, what I called, Proof-Of-Community and launched the Go-Fuck-Yourself video series in which I shared my arguments about why I believed the offer I put out there would create a win-win situation for all parties involved. After about 6 months of video's and blogposts I managed to find somebody who provided me with enough liquidity to put my EFL to use for a larger amount than the market of EFL provides on a normal day. 100 euro of buy orders per day is more than enough to live a comfortable life near Liberland, but financing a home is still a bit too much for a coin that has simply not managed to get enough support to really make an impact on the world yet. What really is a normal day these day's anyways, but hey, it seems like everybody is enjoying themselves, so don't bother me stating how I believe all things could be different if we want to.I believe communitycoins can service a social aspect of crypto that deserves a lot more attention. People who share a language and live in the same geographical location simply have a lot of arguments to share an economy together. Most people today are using crypto as an extension to debt currency. Especially the so called "Bitcoin Maxi's" prefer to just stack sats and are proud to tell you how their diamond hands will never sell. To me, that sounds like the most insane proposition, money should be used or it is worthless and I pity the fool eating ramen noodles for a month just to be able to move some extra 20$ into cold storage. Have fun keeping a poor mindset if that is your what your egoistic self is aiming for.Even before the publication of the book Hijacking Bitcoin, I was writing and talking about how Bitcoin was infiltrated to build the most advanced control system the world has ever seen. Can you imagine the joy I experience today, knowing the book has been published and backs up my story? It's a great help when I try to make my points anytime I speak out about my version of reality. Instead of trying to create an alternative to debt currencies so the world can benefit from more financial freedom, most people involved in crypto today only participate to speculate on the wild volatility crypto markets provide. The goal often becomes very selfish, just get rich and become financially independent. What people fail to see is that by holding on to the system of debt currency, their freedom will still be limited as soon as those profits have to be spend. At the moment of spending your local government will have made rules and regulation on how you will be allowed to spend your money. Carbon tax FTW!It's not such a popular message and this is why I don't get so many readers. I also work without any marketing to increase my reach which doesn't help my case. This month I celebrated 10 years of unbanked living and last stream I tried to give away 10 $ZANO to my community. Like with more of my streams, there wasn't anybody watching, so I couldn't give away those coins. That's ok, we will just try again today, but not before I finish my story.Bitcoin has set another all time high while I was writing this text. I believe in the upcoming months the price can rise a lot more. Although the double feeling is getting less every time a new ATH appears, I always have very mixed feelings when a new ATH happens. Sure, I'm happy for myself. Now that bitcoin is hoovering around the valuation of $100.000, I have a 1 million% gain since I entered the Bitcoin market. At the same time I think about all those people who are still missing out. Especially those who I grew up with, in the Netherlands, really don't seem to get it. When they think they do, a lot of them are often stuck in the broke mentality of btc maximalism, funding their own digital prison without even realizing it. And for the overwhelming majority of people, they simply don't have a clue. For those who are not into crypto like me, I believe that since April 3rd 2017, when the bank of Japan declared Bitcoin legal tender, markets are being manipulated to be able to sell a narrative, regardless of what that narrative might be. I welcome you to watch the following interview for more context: believe with $EFL and Liberland I have set myself up in the best way I can. The EFL token I launched on $ZANO during the last stream not only provides EFL users with more privacy, but the current arbitrage between the EFL market and the offer of the $ZANO token also provides for a nice arbitrage opportunity. However, after more than a week, nobody cares to interact. I will leave the offer open for now, but will end the offer before the upcoming genesis block anniversary stream 2025 on January 3rd. And Liberland, well, that surprise I was talking about in my previous article has received some news again which means at this point I will just try to explain the situation to the best of my ability.The gift I really want to present in April involves all people who voted during the recent Liberland elections. With my gift I would try to generate some attention for my announced court case with Liberland. I have a unique position in the Liberland story and was once in the top 5 contributors of the micro nation. Just to be clear, just like I didn't create Bitcoin, I was also not involved in the start of eGulden or Liberland. I would love to try and make my impact on the Netherlands and see eGulden EFL in combination with Liberland as the perfect tool to do so. Ever since I understand the growing debt spiral we are in, I feel the need to express how morally inferior we are by exploiting it's use. How can you enjoy the life you live if you know violence and exclusion are at the foundation of it? I couldn't, that is why I send that letter to my bank a little over 10 years ago, to let them know about the conscientious objections I experience when I'm forced to back the debt with my life force energy.This is my open invitation to you, to participate in the enormous risk I take by trying to achieve my goal. I really don't mind the risk, in a way that is the thrill I am looking for. To each their own, right? But for those who believe the global adoption of bitcoin will solve the worlds problems, I got some news, our problems reach much further than the money we use, although the money makes a massive impact of course. Our food, our science, our education, our entire society has been corrupted for decades, if not centuries. Instead of building a wall to become free, the current solution of the Liberland administration, I believe we can take it one step further and bring freedom right to everybodies doorstep. No need to log in, you just have to be able to represent yourself from the core of your being. I can't do anything else but speak out my reality. At the same time, I have to accept the reality of today in which I hardly make any impact. This is the title and subtitle of my current streams:KingHONKspiritSEEFrom #clownworld to shitshow: Income tax= slaveryFrom #clownworld to shitshow: Income tax= slavery, is the newest series of vlogs. Yoshi Livo established the Liberland Opposition Headquarters 20 miles out of Liberland and streams about his temporary human experience on this beautiful planet in which he attempts to unite humanity by showing how using a different value system creates different incentives providing a different outcome.I will tell you again how happy I am with the way how I developed myself over the past couple of years, but to be fair, I also turned 38 this year and bought myself my first house. For 10 years I have now lived my unbanked life and it got me to a beautiful location on this planet. I'm glad I followed my instincts and want to thank all parties involved for the outcome until today. The fact I named my house the Liberland Opposition HQ does not influence my ability to make my impact on the Dutch society, in fact, I believe it will only help my cause, because just like EFL, Liberland is a great tool to show how traditional structures of society are failing. The system we are born into has not been adjusted since over 100 years. Time simply caught up and it got outdated. We are with not enough numbers to bring all the solutions, but at the moment we are not even thinking about them, the overwhelming majority of society is wasting their energy with worthless distractions. Before we can really start building solutions we need to reach a critical mass of people to accept the problem of debt currencies. I believe I can help to grow to that level, focusing myself on the Netherlands and other nations with use of EFL and other communitycoins. Aiming to build examples with the EFL in once bought. So far, so good, because with or without EFL, I will manage my life regardless.My mind is changing since I moved into this house which I fully financed with help of EFL. I notice how maintaining the house has it's impact on the way how I spend my time. I don't stream as much as I was planning to do, I got more things to do, streaming does not have my highest priority. Sure, again, this is my open invitation to participate with what I'm doing, but I'm looking ahead and have to also prepare on a different outcome. Only if enough people support me am I able to turn my dreams into reality, it's as easy as that. I have explained many initiatives I would like to help to develop, far more than just the ones I mentioned in this text. I base my thoughts on a fair value principle and voluntaryism. Exactly because crypto money regulates itself and doesn't require force to maintain itself, does it have the ability to outlast the current debt based system which requires violence and exclusion to survive. And because the public ledger provides equal knowledge to all I believe once the period of coin emission is over those coins that survived will start to move closer towards their fair value. We are getting there, it's just going very slow. I believe I can work as a catalyst and help the Dutch population understand the Department Of Government Efficiency DOGE by introducing an Efficient Financial Life EFL. I'm ready to deliver on the eGolden age, and am certain my right moment is still to come.I predict since a decade how we are going to see a massive change from our usual way of organizing, regardless of my level of involvement. The changes that are happening far exceed the influence of a single group or being. We co-exist and influence each other, new forms of communication are changing the way how we organize ourselves. I have spoken out about it since before my bank accounts where shut down, it's just that I spoke out a bit louder ever since I got debanked in 2014. I believe we need millions of people in order to reach billions more, I'm ready to speak out and will continue to do for as long as I can, but taking into account how the past decade evolved I also believe the time has come to think about myself. I simply can't afford to risk it all again for people who only seem interested in my solutions for as long as I'm first willing to support them. I have given my support, I have tried to show the values I care about, but I simply have to protect myself at this point which is why I decided to not invest in my Liberland position at this point in time. Holding on to the current reality will be difficult enough. Let's see what the world will look like in 5 years when we will celebrate 15 years of Liberland. The cost of my presentation would be around 50.000$ today. Because I don't have a bankaccount I live from my crypto holdings. I simply can't afford to spend another 50K$ just before the start of what I believe will be a bullrun for the upcoming year. Especially because even when I try to give away $ZANO for free, nobody gives a fuck about it, so why should I care for your attention like I'm desperate? Sure, Western nations are moving rapidly in the wrong direction. In these days new regulations apply to EU citizens. I might not be located in the EU today, with their ever expanding aspirations you never know for how long that might be the case. I think the euro needs to end and Europe should focus on trade instead of their green deal or even worse, a war economy, but just me by myself won't achieve much. Even elections don't really seem to matter, this is why I prefer to vote with my wallet and my feet for over a decade. 10 years might not sound like a long time, but in the world of blockchain it is quite an achievement to maintain yourself for so long. Let me emphasize I did not create EFL, I just participate like I do with Bitcoin. I have often tried to support other projects, many of which aimed specifically at the Netherlands. EFL is the only one blockchain project which survived the relative short test of 10 years time. My open sell orders in the EFL / satoshi market are on variations of 2.20371 but for the majority of 10 years I have been buying EFL. I believe we are close to a break out, but looking at what is going on today, how can I make my case without wearing a clown outfit? I live with crypto for over a decade, but if I share my success online I'm being called a shitcoiner, or stupid for helping a friend pay the medical bills of his wife by buying their house just at the start of the bull market. In a society where people celebrate the open execution of a CEO, or vandalize art to demand placement of inefficient wind turbines, how can I justify more sacrifice from myself for that if even the people who I believe should be on my side declare me a persona non grata?? To go even further, I can give you my opinion on a covid treatment, but if everybody would have followed my advise, I wouldn't have been able to buy the Liberland Opposition HQ, I feel like everything happens for a reason, so let it all play out and just enjoy every moment of it.This is why, for the upcoming years I have decided I will not push it like I have been before. In order to attract you have to let go. All communication channels will remain open. Feel free to contact me if you want to participate or have any questions and if I got something to share I certainly won't be quiet about it. If Trump is going to be used as the fall-guy, like I believe it certainly can be, I better dig in for a couple years of some of the weirdest absurdities that I can't yet imagine today. This means, to get more comfortable in my new environment as a home owner, making sure I have enough supplies and perform sufficient maintenance, but this time more in the offline realm.Living in this house has really made it's impact on me and because I feel I'm ready to allow for a different direction to happen, I don't expect it to change any time soon and I will use the EFL price as my indicator to see if I'm needed somewhere else. I can be lucky with my decisions, really, I will be fine, even when I know the majority of the people I care about are fooled by propaganda on a daily basis and they are killing themselves as a result. I could have been born anywhere, I could have picked every fight I wanted, the outcome of my journey is that I will invite you to join me during the 16th anniversary on the genesis block, on January 3rd, presented from the Liberland Opposition HQ. Exact details will follow, I am still in contact and inviting more people and am looking forward to host a conversation with:@AaronRDay@TheVladCostea@deadalnix@TheDesertLynx@TheBCHPodcast@rBryer23@communitycoins1@vrijheidradioWe are with such a small group of people, my only solution is to grow with a narrative that supports the idea of autonomy and self determination. Until people will figure out my solution is connected to EFL to provide me with the required funding and join me in my efforts, I will focus my time on preparing myself for the idea the people might never find out about my intentions and enjoy the house I managed to acquire, to try and build a smaller family just for myself. It might be smaller, I can start to do that today and it will give me a lot of more compassion and satisfaction compared to the last 10 years. The Dutch economy is more than big enough to make EFL below 1 euro an interesting proposal and I believe those people in the Netherlands really could find a solution in EFL, if only they would allow themselves to see the trouble they are in. You Only Live Once, why would I risk anything more than what I do already? 3 bitcoins into EFL is all it takes to push the price beyond 1 euro each and this will shake up the reality of all those people who are still asleep in the Netherlands. The amount of communication I have send out over the past 10 years talking about that moment has reached enough people, but as long as I can be ignored, people prefer the "normal" option.
"You are a radical extreme guy", said the person who slaved away his life energy to fund wars to me. "Why would I participate in your pyramid scheme?" ask those who have a mandatory payment on their pension plan. Alright, fine, you don't want to participate in the narrative of Yoshi Livo, Your Children Live On, and you don't have to. I will just create it for myself and wish you the best. For 10 years I've been waiting for somebody to come up with the right arguments to make me change my mind. It didn't happen, just like I didn't manage to convince you of mine, the only thing which changed is that I got a lot more to lose these days, this house is my perfect exit. With a nice garden for food and animals I can reduce my cost of living below 500 dollars per month and I'm going to enjoy my peaceful life without having to explain why the lighting network does not scale Bitcoin, or be disgusted by the latest statements made by Max Keiser of Michael Saylor. Really, how can anybody follow such leadership? I couldn't have imagined this 10 years ago, Max Keiser and Michael Saylor as example, they both spoke with a very different tone. How has it played out like this? I don't know. I do think I have a solution in the form of a narrative with EFL, fair value, Liberland and Yoshi Livo as my tools to attempt to create a paradigm shift, all I can do in this moment is try to preserve that solution so it's ready when people see value in it. Let me make a couple of last statements: YOLO + YCLO = [ :) + <3 ]². Politics is not the solution. We are fighting a spiritual war. There is no need for violence, we can fight with love. This is a marathon not a sprint. This is not a hype. We are experiencing a revolution. Decentralization happens thru adoption and most important, we need to create our own narrative instead of reacting to the narrative of others. I try to create that narrative, I am Liberlander Yoshi Livo, Your Children Live On and believe I have positioned myself perfectly to deliver a change of mind to all of the Netherlands. I don't know what will happen when I can start to build my ideas, but the risk involved is large enough for me to just enjoy the moment of it's potential in peace. There is no need to push it because the history I've managed to build is strong enough to excuse myself so other people can catch up. I feel this is the right move for me to make.Best wishes for 2025, may all your nicest dreams come true and once more, I want to wish you some friendly EFL greetings from near Liberland.