Liberland elections


Today, on October 6th 2024, the long anticipated Liberland elections took place for the very first time. 

According to the announcement on the Liberland website, participation in the elections is an essential part of the democratic process. Before I'll dive deeper into the topic I would like to share a bit of my personal experience on this topic. 

This video was recorded on valentines day 2020 in the city of Sombor, appoximately 20 miles out of Liberland soil. About 1 year earlier the first version of Liberland value was brought into circulation. A historic moment in Liberland history that unfortunately not many people know about. Within 24 hours after publication of this video I, Yoshi Livo, was declared persona non grata of Liberland and all my merits were confiscated not long after that. On top of the theft, I was censored from participating in discussions, removed from all communication channels and Liberlanders were told they would share the same faith if they would continue to communicate with me.

Since that moment I've lined out my defense against the libel and slander coming from Liberland against me on this website, I will not repeat my defense, because that is not what this blogpost is about. This introduction is just a short glimpse of my experience with Liberland until today. I did not have high hopes the elections of Liberland would turn out as fair. because I am not the only Liberlander who saw (part of) their merits confiscated. Elections will never be fair if part of the community isn't allowed to cast their vote, but let's forget about that fact for a moment and have a look how the elections occurred today.

Let's start by mentioning that in the days prior to the elections an unhappy Liberlander spoke out about his participation in the establishment of the new micronation. According to this person, promises were broken and rewards for his efforts have not been payed in full. There is no way for me to check the legitimacy to these claims, all I can say is that this turn of events also seems to be a recurring theme within the current Liberland administration. Just like traditional governments, the administration of Liberland benefits from carrying out a double agenda. Promises are easily broken to people of low interest. As long as you have something to offer that benefits the administration you are welcome to participate, but as soon as that benefit is gone you are put out like trash. Do you want to know the details of this turn of events? feel free to join this chat on signal where this person speaks out about his experience.

Now we come to the elections themselves. A total of 15 candidates put themselves up for votes. Some of these candidates were long term Liberland supporters that spend a significant amount of time on the project and build up a ring of trust with fellow citizens. Other candidates joined the vote in the last minute and where unknown to the larger audience. Taking into account that Liberland boasts about a fair democratic process on their website, one would think the candidate who put the most effort into gaining trust from the community would get elected to become a Liberland representative. Just like elections of established nation, reality turned out to be a bit different.

All votes of Liberland happened publicly on their blockchain. Looking at the casted votes, one voter draws the attention. An account named Vit J participated in the vote with a staggering 3 million votes. Who knew that besides the ability to plunder the Liberland treasury without accountability, the so called president also decided to reward himself with over 3 million votes for his trouble. In my opinion it's either one or the other. OR you have the ability to use the resources of Liberland in the way you see fit, OR you have the ability to hold those who benefit, from the resources you provided, accountable by exercising the vote you got in return for your trouble. 

In case it is not clear enough, by rewarding himself with over 3 million votes the so called president of Liberland did me a huge favor by showing to the world how much of a dictator he truly is. I already experienced this first hand when the same dictator decided singlehandedly to confiscate my Liberland merits, without the ability to defend myself against any of the unjust claims.

Congratulations to myself, for managing to holding on for such an extensive amount of time. I've managed to establish the Liberland Opposition Headquarters less then 8 weeks ago and it seems like my timing could not have been better. It's October 7th by now and I was contacted by many Liberlanders who are unhappy about the turn of events this last weekend. However, just talking about what goes wrong is not helping anybody. In order to make progress one should come up with an alternative strategy, a strategy I am now going to provide, after a short introduction.

In many of my previous texts I write about the need to abolish the double standard we are living in today. When I started my journey into the unknown over a decade ago, I thought Liberland and Bitcoin would be good tools for me to use to educate a larger audience about my ideas and for a large part I was right about these tools. Over the years, because of personal experience, I discovered there were some mistakes in my logic. I assumed everybody would be interested in abolishing the double standard we are facing today. How can you live with yourself, knowing your existence is founded on violence, lies and exclusion? I was wrong about many of my fellow human beings, in reality the overwhelming majority was not interested in breaking down the double standard at all, all they were interested in is to be on the beneficial side of the double standard, so they could take profit for themselves. In my opinion both Bitcoin and Liberland have been hijacked many years ago. For the short term this is a positive occurrence, because numbers go up and the project of Liberland, against all odds, has managed to continue to exist for almost a decade. For the long term the outlook is significantly less positive. What once used to be freedom money in the form of Bitcoin is currently building the foundation of the most advanced control system in human history and what once used to become the freest country of the planet is evolving into an open prison.

I believe the solution to these problematic times is not to build your own prison and only allow likeminded people to enter. The solution is education, because the vast majority of people simply has never thought about any of the issues that I often discuss in one of my blogposts. Instead of looking for a tiny location on the planet which you believe could be your future Liberland, I like to see the entire planet as our Liberland. In my opinion every world citizen already is a Liberlander, they just lack the knowledge to recognize it, some are even afraid to admit it. 

The current Liberland administration is not here to make any significant change. All they try to do is to fit into the existing model of control so that one day they will be tolerated by the status quo. This is why the current Liberland administration spends tens of thousands of dollars to be on stage of the annual WEF meetings in Davos, or sponsors Pedo Diddy like miss elections, so that the old boys network can meet and make backroom deals that the average public will be unaware of until they will one day be implemented. There is no intention to make the world a better place, the only aim is to find likeminded people who want to live in isolation so their personal temporary experience on this planet is as pleasant as possible. In my opinion it's a flawed goal to strive for. I believe one day you will become aware of your selfishness and ask yourself why you've wasted all your talent just on yourself.

We are living in a special time of history. More and more people become aware of their fake notion of freedom. Trust in institutions is at an all time low. I believe nobody on this planet can be against the non aggression principle, but most of the people simple have never heard of it and are unable to think outside of the box all by themselves. This is why I've come up with a new agenda to unite the people on this planet. Incometax = slavery is what I believe can unite all the people on the planet. Why pay for reparations if the same principle is standard practice today and how can you justify a penalty on productivity? Just like any border, just like any moneysystem, taxation is a human construct that we can reconstruct. I believe this topic can start a discussion which will open the door for many more changes in global policy. All we need is to combine forces and put it on the mainstream agenda. 

I was close, 6 years ago during the 3rd anniversary of Liberland, the only moment I was allowed to speak on Liberland stage. I praise myself lucky that Liberland did not put any effort in talking with me and simply saw me as a milking cow. I would have probably become one of those Liberland diplomats who would love to be in direct contact with their so called fairly elected president because they believe in a small government. The decision I made on that stage, to not make a large donation to Liberland in that very moment, has a tremendous impact on my life until this day. Some people ask me where it all went wrong, but I look at it from a different angle. I've learned a lot over the past 5 years, I managed to develop myself instead of being developed by others. My timing seems to be on point, let me make extra clear i doubled my bitcoins on Liberland, I think Veto Jedlicka is an excellent employee and I wish him all the best extorting a minute Libertarian minority to create his own Epstein Island. These privileged individuals are too egoistic anyway. How can I complain about anything? Some people ask me how i can work all the time, but something like: "From #clownworld to shitshow" or "KingHONKspiritSEE" just comes up in my mind one day and I doesn't really cost me any effort. 

Looking at the story I managed to build and the way how the world is developing I am in the mindset of enjoying the silence before the storm. Yoshi Livo, Your Children Live On, is one day going to establish the Liberland Marina, the earlier you notice, the more benefit you can get. Life is good in the Liberland Opposition Headquarters. I really believe the offer for 5 million DOGE to fund the harbor is going to be money well spend, it might even become the best 5 million DOGE invested ever! This is why I'm proud to announce: "The offer on the Komodo platform between DOGE and EFL is active since today." Because of my guests this last week, at the Liberland Opposition Headquarters, the offer of LLM tokens on the ZANO platform has not always been online, in general, if you are interested in anything I am writing about, it is best to contact me and send me a dm on some online platform. The best way to come in contact with me is by using the X platform @infoliberland but many other ways of communication are available.

The paradigm shift is ongoing. Liberland and Bitcoin are amazing tools to raise awareness and let's celebrate the people who find the courage to believe in a better solution. The biggest challenge is to reach out to a bigger audience, for that it is necessary to find common ground. With use of EFL, the Bitcoin of the Netherlands, and other #communitycoins I experience first hand how endless our possibilities really are. I want to bring special attention to two conversations I had over the years. I believe with these tools a proper alternative can be used for a basic foundation of a new way of being. The real solution lies within ourselves, but for those who understand it is difficult to find the proper words to educate others. I've mentioned it plenty of times, vote with your wallet and vote with your feet! My Liberland dealings have always been well documented. Please be patient for the next text, which i expect to produce just after the presidential elections of the US. I can try and mingle myself with some election that doesnt belong to me, or I can just patiently wait and enjoy my life from the Liberland Opposition HEadquarters in peace. My offer is open again, I feel like I'm doing both at the same time.

YOur SHIldren LIVe On