Happy 38th birthday Yoshi Livo


WOW everybody, what a year this has been. This must be one of the most enjoyable texts that I feel like I'm about to write. 38 Years old today, but for the first year ever with a house to my name. What a year it has been, somehow I managed to achieve all the goals I've set last year and that is why it's time to introduce some new ones!

From the Liberland opposition headquarters, we will start to look at a proper place to develop an international harbor on the Serbian coast of the Danube, I can't wait to see it develop! I think I made a proper proposal, but for now, the switch to ZANO means all komodo orders will be cancelled until the next komodo platform update, expected in early October. 

I will try not to talk too much about Liberland in this text however, because the topic of Liberland will be explained in more detail in the next text. I don't even want to talk about #YCLO, Your Children Live On. With all these recents talk about fertility and birthrates, you would expect at some point the doge community will adopt Yoshi Livo and there will be plenty of time to talk about these topics. This is my birthday and today I want to talk about the need for team humanity to unite. I really feel fortunate and blessed with my current position. What will be, will be. So far so good with a lot more to come.

I've recently received a Serbian ID card that is valid for 5 years and I really wonder how different the world is going to be in 5 years. I try to look at the big picture and it seems like history is going to repeat itself once again. A lot of people simply can't understand the dollar system and have been enslaved by it, registered as a debt slave within 3 days of birth or the parents will face consequences. On the bright side of everything, look at all the innovation we have achieved and how quality of life has improved over centuries, my life today knows more luxury and wealth than that of the elites of only a couple decades ago. We are learning faster then ever and now I even have a little farm where I can enjoy to be part of these exciting and inspiring times. 

Because privacy is such a hot topic in crypto I would like to bring to the table that crypto becomes more anonymous once it becomes more widely accepted and used more often. Unfortunately we see a lot of fake adoption from people who rely on a 3rd parties for the use of crypto. I've learned this year the majority of people is just not going to understand, better to find this out later then never, right? I mean that by extending your dollar dependency, or debt currency for that matter, you will end up with carbon credits exclusively available for that debt, do I need to emphasize how Bitcoin and sustainability are portrayed in debt currency sponsored media as each other's opposite? 

You can check out the video's of how we got here, what matters to me more is how we proceed. The transaction on the house has been very successful, but people still say spending crypto on a house is a waste of money and my paper hands are lasereye unworthy. Again, this birthday is the first year I've owned a house and it feels great! I sold bitcoin BTC on Bitcoin pizzaday, above 71K$, this is almost ATH! During the process of buying this house the price of Bitcoin went down because of the German government selling off their stolen treasure, I've signaled this opportunity on the perfect moment, one week later Trump his ear got shot, but I'm glad all parties involved agreed the risk of speculation was not worth the risk of losing the deal on the house and the trade for the house did not profit from this event. I'm not in it for the speculation and I'm glad I was able to help my friend who can now afford to pay for medical care.. 

The most profit I make is by not spending. It is my sport to participate in the traditional way of being for as little as I can as I see the ever expanding debt spiral as inhumane. "Income tax = slavery." and the best way to opt out is for your time to be worth as little as possible. Sure, you can do things and participate with society, but I believe voting with my wallet in this way will have a much larger impact compared to any red pencil you can find. It is my statement against the status quo who no longer seem to service the interest of the common man, but instead seem only out to intensify their control on society.

"Income tax = slavery" is what I believe will unite humanity. Just like imaginary borders in the land, or the kind of money we use, taxation law is a human construct, which means we can reconstruct it. We decide how we want to organize ourselves. Income tax can be abolished today, if enough people want it. I think people can find enough common ground to this subject to unite forces together as one, to make a real change which opens the door to more change.

The double standard in our world is one many people want to benefit from. A future text about the Liberland elections is in the making, but because of guests at the opposition headquarters and my birthday this text can be delayed. It is most important we recognize the small minority we are and that somebody needs to speak out, inform others, spread the word about a different value of living. This is why #Communitycoins should support each other. Every culture is different, needs a different approach. We build a new global reputation system, because the old on is corrupted. It will take time and effort and let's not be our own worst enemy. 

Everybody is different, nobody is perfect and mistakes are allowed. The group of people who understand the problems is small, the group of people willing to speak out about these problems even smaller. I have been building the story of Yoshi Livo, Your Children Live On, for over 10 years. If you are one of the few people who read this story you will most likely see some form of benefit if I manage to get more support. I believe eGulden EFL legitimizes all my statements, now and in the future. The Netherlands is not your average country. Being able to participate in mainstream discussion will be essential to achieve all goals, EFL has shown how voting with your wallet makes a difference, this is why, for this birthday, I want to put all attention on eGulden EFL and the recognition it gives me to work for our common good. 

Helping the stream can be done in many ways. Share this content, subscribe to the channels or give feedback on one of the many available platforms. You can participate in the upcoming Liberland Marina project, but the single best way to participate is simply by buying EFL and by starting to use it in your daily life, in whatever way you can see fit. I am short on time and will refer to the upcoming Liberland text, planned in about 1 week from today. For now I want to thank you for your attention and I wish you my best birthday wishes.