HONK.CASH mission statement
HONK.CASH mission statement
Vote with you wallet, buy & HODL HONK.CASH to expose the clownworld we live in.
In honour of the Bitcoin genesis block and the message that Satoshi Nakamoto send to the world, HONK.CASH wants to focus on the political aspect of cryptomoney. Talking points of HONK.CASH consist of, but are not limited to:
- #FreeJullianAssange
- #911truth
- Freedom in the broadest sense, but mostly focused on the freedom of ownership, we strongly oppose KYC regulations.
- Genocide policies of governments worldwide, promoting experimental MRNA gene therapy.
- Mutilation of children by allowing experimental hormone therapy for children with a mental disorder.
- Cheating in sports and the misuse of the sports-arena for political virtue signaling.
- The aiding of terrorism and funding of your own enslavement by paying taxes to governments.
- The difference between climate and environment.
Since Bitcoin came to light in 2009, the political message it contains has been carefully suppressed to the reality of what Bitcoin has become today, a fairly centralized moneyprotocol that aims to be regulated so that institutional investors which handle large pools of 3rd party savings can buy into the notion that scarcity creates value. At HONK.CASH we encourage diversity and human creativity and therefore support everybody to come forward with their own solution to problems they encounter in their lives. To believe one solution will fit everybody's needs shows lack of trust in humanity and gives the notion of a frustration to control peoples free will. We do not believe Lightning will be the solution to Bitcoin its congestion problem, but instead will lead to limitation of freedom and the undermining of ideology that Satoshi Nakamoto send out in the genesis block of one of the worlds greatest inventions. In order to change the course of the direction we are currently heading, we are looking for investors that want their crypto to be more then money. We aim to create a grassroot movement of freedom loving individuals that combined have found a way to spread a political message about the clownworld we are facing today.
Vision and proposed value generation:
I am Liberlander Yoshi Livo. I am born as a Dutch citizen under the name of Niels Harmsen. Yoshi Livo refers to my life motto, being Your Children Live On. I bought my first Bitcoins in 2012 at the price of 5 dollars and have since spoken out to everybody about the importance of a moneysystem that is not connected to a government. When I say everybody, I literally mean everybody, wether these people wanted to hear it or not. Because of my words, I lost my bankaccounts in 2014. At that point I decided to double down on my believes and not give in to the pressure to fit into the collective. Living in the Netherlands without a bankaccount is impossible and my journey since has brought me to Liberland. In 2018 I became a top 5 investor to that project, with it's number 1 being a more well known name into cryptospace, Roger Ver. Since then, I became the only Liberlander to make a profit on his investment and because of my decisions in the past and my passion to speak my mind I am today labelled as persona non grata of Liberland. I'm grateful of all my decisions as they have given me valuable information about people and their intentions. I still believe Liberland will become a reality one day and thank everybody involved with their efforts until today, but I also see how the initial promise of the freeest country in the world is a farce and not what Liberland is moving towards. Instead of a small government, Liberland aim to create an efficient government, with all the flaws of every existing goverment still in place. The statists that follow the current leadership want to exert their power onto a small group of libertarian believers and believe by building a wall around a new to develop libertarian Epstein island for the nouvea riche of crypto they will receive the merit from the powers that be to allow them their wish. Instead of fitting into the existing structure, I believe Liberland will become a reality by educating people about the terrorist organizations that call themselves government. We create our own future with our actions and paying for an invitation at the World Economic Forum to tell them about how efficient you are going to use blockchain technology to force people to take a vaccine if they want to visit your country might win you some respect of the current people in power, but is not benefitting peoples interest. We are all Liberlanders, if only we would declare ourselves to be and people that believe they have the right to control you because of a paper reality enforced by judges and violence are on the losing end of the equation.
I am until today the only Liberlander that managed to get value out of the central controlled dictatorship and hold about 30.000 dollar of Liberland value in the form of Liberland Merit SLP tokens. Because of the choice to pay me my merits in SLP tokens, I discovered HONK.CASH, which at that time was also a SLP token. After one man in Liberland decided to denounce my participation I started my own stream to not be silenced from speaking and I called it HonklerHangout and started to implement the clownworld theme to that stream, I gave away billions of tokens since then and never experienced any negativity from the initial team of HONK for the things I spoke about. This all happened even before the covid plandemic hit the globe and since that happened I can see how fortunate I have been with the choices I've made in the past. I sincerely believe my story can be of great value to humanity and it's future, but only words will not be enough, real action is needed to make a difference. After HONK.CASH rebranded itself to SEP20 token I saw my investment in HONK.CASH moon like no other SEP20 managed to do. The value went up by several 1000% and it allowed me to pay my bills for several months and increase my holdings at the same time. When the clownworld at coinflex came to light, all development of HONK.CASH came to a halt. Together with yet another fork in the form of electron cash, some part of the core team of HONK.CASH abandoned the project which now results in an all time low of HONK.CASH, both in price and in liquidity. I still give away those HONK.CASh tokens on my stream and many people asked me about the future of the HONK project. I forwarded those questions to the original team and early 2023 was offered to take over the HONK.CASH project. I have found teammebers with the technical skill that I feel comfortable with to give it a shot and together with the following offer will try to revive the HONK.CASH project.
HONK.CASH will become a cashtoken initiative, if the BCH community shows enough support in the idea that we need a political alternative for people that lost trust in voting with a red pencil. At the start, only the existing fund of unswapped SLP tokens, the initial budget of the HONK.CASH SEP20 team, will be converted to cashtokens. 5 Billion, or 5% of total outstanding tokens, will be offered on Komodo's Atomic DEX for 5000 USDT. These 5 Billion HONK.CASH cashtokens can be exchanged for 5000 Liberland Merits cashtokens. The proceeds of this transaction, being 5000 USDT, are given to the technical development team of the rebranded HONK.CASH that will build a smart contract to bridge HONK.CASH cashtokens to Binance smartchain. The offer will be valid for a period of 1 month. Either the community decides to support HONK.CASH, or not and if not, we will not waste anybody's time in offering a product nobody wants to have around. If we do find the support in the form on USDT, the next step is to grown HONK.CASH outside of the BCH realm and into broader cryptospace. We at HONK.CASH believe that many people outside BCH already support our vision and we could help BCH by letting these people see how much different BCH is from other cryptoproject by showing we are not just here to make a short term profit, but are actually interested in making a real difference in the world today. If the BCH community backs up the expansion of HONK.CASH our next spearpoint will be to integrate a payment solution for cashtoken projects, with HONK.CASH as out flagship. The HONK.CASH brand is already strong and we believe has great goodwill amongst governments critics.
Another step that needs some more explanation is the Liberland Merit that is returned to the people that support the development of HONK.CASH by buying HONK.CASH cashtokens with USDT and then swap those HONK.CASH for Liberland Merit. First of all, the 5 Billion HONK.CASh Cashtokens that are returned to the team are burned in a transparent way that benefit all existing HONK.CASH owners. This is done to create some sort of value for those holders during the month of waiting where they will not be able to swap their HONK.CASH SEP20 tokens to cashtokens. Liberland Merits are the native currency of the Liberland project. In order to become a citizen, you need to own 5000 Liberland Merit. However, 5000 Liberland Merit do not guarantee you to become a Liberland citizen and since I am declared to be persona non grata of the project, chances are that the Liberland leadership will not deem these Merits to be legitimate. This however is a political decision that can change over time, especially if the personality of Yoshi Livo grows bigger then Liberland it can be expected that these specific Liberland Merit cashtokens can become more valuable then another form of Liberland Merit that is promised to be created some day in the future. I, Yoshi Livo, can't change a whole lot about that situation today, apart from trying to get a followerbase that is larger then the existing one from Liberland today. What I can promise is that these Liberland Merit cashtokens that are brought into circulation through this offer will have a preferred acceptance in a to be developped harbour near Liberland soil. I live 20 miles out of Liberland and am living with the local community. There are 2 harbours located near Liberland and both of them don't have enough place to harbour all boats of local residents, let alone boats of future tourists that want to visit Liberland. The government of Serbia wants to develop about 80 more harbours on the Danube river over the upcoming 10 years and this gave me the idea to start development af a marina myself. The first steps are already made and projected costs of the project are around 400.000 USD. Once we reach the stage of accepting investments for the development of this harbour, which aim to become a safe haven for Liberlanders, the Liberland Merit cashtokens will be accepted as payment for shares in the new company. With this structure I can promise these Liberland Merits to function as a stablecoin without the need for the current Liberland leadership to deem them legal currency in their project.
Here it is, a complete offer to revive HONK.CASH and make BCH great again. The past year might not have been the greatest, but together we can shine a different light with the possiblity that it becomes so bright that we might attract a whole different form of supporters. Sure, making some money and getting some fame is awesome, but what about the world we create for future generations? I don't have too much skill in technical development and I'm probably seen as a stubborn problemchild by many, but I'm 100% genuine an not influenced by any form of money dependency. I am stupid enough to be willing to risk my life and reputation over some ideology about creating a better world for future generations. I want to thank all readers for their time and consideration and hope we will welcome you as a future Honkler into out project.
Vote with you wallet, buy & HODL HONK.CASH to expose the clownworld we live in.